Enoch’s Thoughts

March 12, 2009


Filed under: Memories — etblog @ 10:17 pm

(Also see the Flowers posting, below.)


Beach dog

Beach dog

Greta left lots of trails over her lifetime – half-eaten toilet tissue, abandoned laundry, the occasional drop of blood from a victim (apologies to you members of that special club), muddy paw prints, dog slobber, and fur by the ton. But mostly she left a lot of memories that deserve to be captured.

I’ll start the list, and look forward to other contributions.

Chasing the stick

She taught me early on that one stick was not enough; she would keep it and make me chase her. Or, even more feisty, she would drop it and stand over it waiting for me to try to get it, then snatch it up and go running off. But two sticks worked fine, at least most of the time. On rare occasions, she would hold the first stick until I had thrown the second, and come back with both of them. Or if I didn’t pick up the one she had dropped fast enough, she would go get the one I threw, then fly back to get the other one too. In the last couple of years, I taught her “one more,” which meant after she picked the next stick up, we should head inside. Sometimes she would object, perhaps thinking I hadn’t had enough fun yet, but most of the time she happily went in to claim the treat I invariably gave her.

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  1. […] Enoch’s Thoughts Musings on community « Greta […]

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