YOU SHOULD NEVER GO TO PARIS Bo Bedingfield You should never go to Paris and you shouldn't think too much, About a Francophone expatriate and ideas that she's got. It's best to bury all your insides, lock up all your thoughts, From pretty foreign girls like to act like what they're not. O love I think is no good thing. And it might have come out different in a different kind of place, And she'll telegraph her leaving and she'll write it on her face. And she just might be the heartbreak that sets things in their place; But if you're short on gratitude, we're all a little short on faith. And love I think is no good thing. Just fill your tank with bourbon, take a sip of gasoline, Pack a little suitcase and drive to New Orleans. Put your left hand on the bar son, and raise your right hand, and say Things are not as I planned. And love I think is no good thing. Copyright 2005, Bo Bedingfield